Thank you for your interest in the Collectors Club’s 2020 One-Frame Competition. We are excited to conduct this year’s Competition in a virtual environment. You do not have to be a member to view, vote and comment on the Exhibits, but you need to be a Collectors Club Member to submit an entry.
Applications should be submitted promptly as they will be accepted in the order received until our capacity is reached. Application receipt will be confirmed electronically upon receipt. Please be patient loading tine depends upon your internet speed. Entry Acceptance will be acknowledged by an email from the Collectors Club.
Application uploads will close on October 20, 2020, by 11:59 PM EDT or, if earlier, when the capacity is reached.
Detailed instructions for preparing and uploading your entry can be found by clicking here.
After carefully reading the instructions you can uploaded your exhibit electronically by clicking on “2020 One-Frame Competition” under the “News & Events” menu drop-down.. Please note that you must be logged in to your Collectors Club Website account to see and access the Entry link.
Only one entry per member can be submitted.
Exhibitors must agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Contest to submit an entry. Please see the Submission instructions for Complete Details. We recommend that participants log on early to confirm their exhibit and contact us if there are any issues.
The exhibits in this Competition will be publicly visible on the Club website from Wednesday, October 28, 2020, through Wednesday, November 11, 2020.
The Collectors Club Single Frame Competition will be judged by a jury of APS accredited judges. While the APS standards will be used in judging the exhibits, neither medal level awards nor scores, nor Judges feedback will be given.
We will collect popular votes through the website. Please vote for only ONE (1) entry.
On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, at 5:30 PM EDT our Virtual Philatelic Program for the Evening will be centred around the winners of the Competition. Like all of our programs, you will need to register for the event. Friends and family are welcome to join us.
We will present A Grand Award, A Reserve Grand Award, up to Five Awards of Equal Merit and a Most Popular Award.
Awards will be given, winners will be offered the opportunity to describe their exhibits, and the meeting then will be opened to all for fellowship. Exhibitors should try to attend in order to be recognized if their exhibits are winners.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact
Thank you and enjoy this year’s Competition.
Louis Pataki
Chairman of the Collectors Club Single Frame Competition