Membership expires; as is customary, at the end of the calendar year.
Please renew now.
If you would like to renew online, please visit our dues renewal page. Once there, enter your
username and password in the appropriate boxes.
If you want to renew online and have not previously logged in to your account, please email us at info@collectorsclub.org for details.
Lichtenstein Award
The Collectors Club is pleased to announce that Dr. Yamil H. Kouri, Jr. of Sarasota, Fla. is this year’s winner of the Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award for Distinguished Service to Philately. The award was announced at the club’s annual meeting in New York on January 8, 2025.
Kouri’s selection was unanimously endorsed by the club’s directors at the end of last year.
The Alfred F. Lichtenstein Memorial Award for Distinguished Service to Philately is annually given to living individuals for outstanding service to philately. The award was established in 1952 in honor of Alfred F. Lichtenstein, one of America’s most accomplished philatelists.
Special Awards
The Collectors Club announced its award for Best Presentation of 2024 would go to Henrik Mouritsen of Denmark for “International Parcel Post – from pre-UPU-Chaos to UPU-system and back again.”
The winner of the Robert P. Odenweller award for Best Article in the Collectors Club Philatelist is David Wilcox, for his two-part work “The Independent Mails Cover Survey.”
The winners of the 2024 Multi-Frame Exhibit award are Patricia Stilwell Walker (Classic U.S.), Bill Ford (Modern U.S.) and Bruce Marsden (Foreign); the winner of the Single-Frame award is Daniel Ryterband.
We are Open
Our business hours:
10 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday.
Our location is 58 West 40th Street in New York, on the mezzanine level. Visiting from out-of-town? Here are some suggestions where to stay and go.
Check out some interior views of our facility.
An email to collectorsclub@collectorsclub.org or a brief phone call at +1 212 683-0559 in advance would be appreciated.
The Collectors Club Philatelic Program Series®
On Wednesday, February 19 at 5:30pm EST, The Collectors Club will present Pan American Airways in the Atlantic, Africa on to China by Gordon Eubanks. Read more
Presentation Featured Video
Boston 2026 Update presented by Yamil Kouri, February 12, 2025 View the Video

About Us
Founded in 1896, the Collectors Club has been publishing its journal, The Collectors Club Philatelist, since 1922. Since 2020, the Club has hosted one of the most widely known and attended series of online philatelic presentations. In 2024, the Club moved into its new premises at 58 West 40th Street in Midtown Manhattan, across from Bryant Park and the New York Public Library. Read more
- President’s Message – January/February 2025
Welcome to the last year in the first quarter of the 21st century. Astounding, isn’t it? I am quite sure that I am not alone among this group who once felt that 1984, or for that matter 2001, was a far-off science-fiction date that lived only in the imagination and was unimaginably far off into the distant future. But here we are. It’s something to be excited about, and we should all be excited about the year ahead for us and our Club.
Elsewhere in this issue, you should be able to review our program of presentations for calendar year 2025. We are very proud of the work of our programming committee: Kathy Johnson, Kimberlee Fuller, Chip Gliedman, Steve Reinhard and Wade Saadi, chaired by Behruz Nassre, and the result of their work. Perhaps hid- den, but maybe not, there is a change in the design of the annual program. Non- atypically, the set of programs we assemble strives for great presenters covering interesting topics, but the topics do not necessarily bear any relation to each other and might appear to be a random assemblage. This is not a criticism but a reflection that we are a generalized society, we are not, as a group, a specialized society. Our members – you – collect just about everything in the book, or in the back thereof. Consequently, we have always striven to provide a broad set of programs that will appeal to the broad interests of our members. But this year we are trying something different.
Among the “random” assemblage, you will note an over-arching theme. We are very much aware that the year is 2025. We are, therefore, at the beginning of the semi-quincentennial or the quarter-millennium of the United States (that’s 250 years). The committee felt that it would be appropriate to have a number of programs during the course of the year that recognize the anniversary approaching, especially as we anticipate the upcoming international show in Boston in May 2026. I would remind all of us that Boston is less than a year and a half away. We hope that we do our part to help get people in the mood. And we especially want you to enjoy the programs we’ve put together for 2025.
There is one other major change in our programs for 2025 that I would like to point out. Most, but not all, of our programs will be hybrid programs. They will be delivered live from the Club and simultaneously “broadcast” out to you via Zoom. We are delighted that so many of our presenters have agreed to come to the Club and take advantage of our fabulous capabilities. As promised, we remain thoroughly committed to the Zoom platform, but we are also thoroughly committed to personal interactions among our members in real time, in real space, at the same time. There is a substitute for the personal via virtual media, but the person- al is truly special—hint, hint. Visit us.
The library has largely gone back onto the shelves – not an easy task. It is now possible to casually walk from section to section, well lit and easy to access. Not a day goes by without a visitor marveling at the library and its depth and breadth.
–Lawrence Haber