Out and About….
As noted in prior President’s letters, club board members have been attending various
events throughout the United States as part of our effort to reach out to those who do not get the
chance to visit New York on a regular basis.
We appreciate those who take the time to chat, and enjoy listening to how the club is perceived
from an “out-of-town” perspective. Past suggestions have included sending the regular meeting notices
to those residing away from the New York area. Though we realize that physical attendance at the
regular Wednesday meetings can be a challenge due to time and travel realities, an occasional
nonresident member has joined us. One member commented that he had to be in ew York for business,
and that the meeting notice was how he realized that he could partake in club activities.
The Collectors Club Philatelist is continuing to evolve under Wayne Youngblood’s editorship.
The journal’s look is being refreshed, and feedback to either Wayne or myself
(info@collectorsclub.org or president@collectorsclub.org) is helpful.
One benefit of attending many events is the opportunity to solicit both future speakers and material
for the CCP. A “Collectors Club Award of Merit” for APS World Series of Philately-level exhibitions
was approved by the board at its January meeting. This token of recognition (usually
a club publication) can be awarded by the show jury to any exhibit (preferably not
the Grand or Reserve Grand award winners) at the jury’s sole discretion. Membership in
The Collectors Club is not a prerequisite to receive this award. It is a continuing form of
outreach, and can even be regifted with our blessings if the recipient so desires.
Congratulations to Jessica Rodriguex, the first winner of the Collectors Club Award
of Merit, for her exhibit, Costa Rica: 1889 Soto Series. Jessica won the award at Sandical
2018, which was held Jan. 26-28 in San Diego, Calif.
Please continue to reach out and let me know how we can continue to enhance your
member experience!
–Mark Banchik
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575114 766624Great post, Im looking forward to hear more from you!! 351338